Approval events run when the final step in an approval flow has been approved.
Previous Step: Add an Approval Flow to a Form
- Sign in to your site
- Navigate to Forms and select a form
- Click the Workflow tab
- Select Approval Events and click Add Approval Event
- If the approval flow contains approval forms, you can enable the Include approval form content option to include the approval form data in the event
- Configure the remaining event fields
Event Type: Select the submission event typeNote: The available fields will differ depending on the Event Type chosen.
- Label: Add an optional label to the event
- Email Addresses: Enter the email addresses to send the email to after the submission is approved. Learn about how to add a custom value to the Email Address field.
- Email Subject Line: Enter the desired subject line of the email
- Run Conditionally: Set conditional parameters for the submission event
Email Configuration
- Exclude Attachments: This allows you to remove attachments from the email that may not be relevant to this recipient
- Use email template: Toggle on to select an existing email template from the drop-down menu
- Include custom attachments: Add a custom URL or Hosted API to the submission event
PDF Configuration
- Exclude Elements: This allows you to remove elements from the PDF that may not be relevant to this recipient
- PDF File Name: Enter the desired name for the PDF attachment
- Display submission ID in PDF: Turning this on will ensure the submission ID is added as a footer to each page of the PDF
- Display external ID in PDF: Include the External Id/Receipt Id in the footer of the PDF
- Include payment details: Toggle on to add a page break after the form content and include the payment receipt information
- Page break on form pages: Turning this on will create a page break in the PDF that reflects the page breaks in the form itself
- PDF Page Size: Select A4 or US Letter as the PDF size
Email Configuration
Event Type: Select the submission event type
- Click Save
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