Once you have created a Lookup, you can then add it to a form.
- Open an existing form or create a new form
- Navigate to the Builder tab
- Add an element to use with the lookup. In this example, we are using the Select element and all of the Custom values will need to match the row values in our lookup table.
Note: Only Text, Multi-line Text, Email, Phone Number, Barcode Scanner, Radio Button, Select, and Autocomplete elements can be used with Lookups. - Toggle on the Enable Data Lookup option and select the lookup from the drop-down
- If needed, customize the Lookup button icon or text
- You will now need to create elements that match the element column names in your Lookup table (in our example, that is "Location" and "Distance"). These will populate with data after the user selects an option in the "Trails" element.
- Scroll up and click Save
- Click Preview to test your lookup
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