Board Applications is a standalone solution designed to offer a public-facing application portal through which residents can view and apply for available board positions. With Board Applications, your organization can also publicly display board and commission descriptions, contact information, and member names.
Important Notes
- Board Applications does not integrate with any other CivicPlus product.
- Board Applications does not provide board roster management. For information about the board roster management solution offered by CivicPlus, contact your Customer Success Manager and ask about the Agenda and Meeting Management Select Boards & Committees tool.
Board Applications and Process Automation and Digital Services
The Board Applications solution is built upon the Process Automation and Digital Services (formerly CivicOptimize) system. In most cases, customers with a Process Automation and Digital Services instance will already have access to the features and functions available through Board Applications.
Board Applications customers should be aware that there are some Process Automation and Digital Services functions that they will not have access to including Data Manager, Scheduled Tasks, Developer Tools, and some Advanced Tools. If you are a Board Applications customer with interest in any of these features, you should contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss our Process Automation and Digital Services product.
Board Applications Help Articles
Because the Board Applications solution leverages the Process Automation and Digital Services (formerly CivicOptimize) system for its user interface, the two solutions share the same help resources. Board Applications help articles can be found in the Process Automation and Digital Services Help Center. This means that the help resources for Board Applications will include references to Process Automation and Digital Services; some articles, images, and text may depict or refer to features that are not available as part of the Board Applications solution.
For a list of articles that will walk you through step-by-step instructions on how to manage your Board Applications solution, please see our Board Applications Guide.
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