This article walks through how to use the Forms feature.
Before creating forms, there are a few items you may want to configure first:
- Apps: Apps are consolidated views of forms that can be accessed by anyone or restricted to a set of users. Similar to folders, they are a way to organize your forms. Creating apps first allows you to assign your form to the appropriate app.
- Integrations: If you want to take payments, connect to Power Automate, or integrate with other solutions on your forms you'll want to set those up first.
- Approvals: Approval workflows allow form submissions to be reviewed by a specified approver group.
- Email Templates: Email Templates allow you to customize the body of your email submission events on a form.
- Lists: A list of options can be created and added to any form to populate the checkbox, radio button, select, or autocomplete elements.
- Lookups: Lookups allow you to create and store a table of contents that can be used to look up and populate data across multiple forms.
Creating Forms
When creating a form, you will see five tabs: Builder, Workflow, Settings, Developer Tools, and Summary. The Builder tab is where you will create the fields (also known as elements) for your form. There are three main ways to build out a form:
There are multiple element types available to add to forms. To help streamline and organize your forms they can also be broken up into separate pages.
Once your form is built, you can then add Workflow events. When a form is submitted, the form data is automatically saved to a cloud data store. In addition to this, you can also add other events that are performed after a form is successfully submitted. Workflows allow you to configure processes such as who will be notified of a submission, if approval is required, or if the user will be able to submit a payment when completing the form.
Using Forms
Once your form is created, you can share it with users:
- Add the Form to an App: Any users who have access to the app will be able to view and submit the form.
- Embed the Form on Your Webpage: This embed allows users to fill out and submit the form without leaving your website.
- Copy a Link to the Form
Managing Existing Forms
The Forms list page shows you all of the currently saved forms in your account and allows you to edit existing forms or create new forms. Quickly filter your forms using the search bar or Tags. You can also sort forms by alphabetical order or when the form was created/edited. The listing includes the form description, icons related to the submission events, and access settings for the form.
Select the three dots to see the form menu:
- Copy: Create a copy of the form
- Delete: Delete the form
- Download: This will download the JSON definition of the form, which will allow you to share to form between organizations
- View Schema: This option allows you to view the JSON schema of that specific form
- Migrate to Environment: This option is only available if you have configured multiple Environments for your account, view more information on migrating Environments
Form Lock
When a form is being edited the Save button will enable. This will allow you to save any of the changes you have made. While the Save button is enabled the form will be locked, meaning that no other users will be able to edit the form while you are editing it. This prevents the possibility of your work being overwritten. A form can be unlocked by another user if the need is required.
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