Conditional logic is used to hide form elements until specific form conditions are met. This is controlled by a Show Conditionally switch in the element details. These conditions can apply to User Selection elements (Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, Select, and Autocomplete) it can also be applied to User Inputs elements (such as Text, Text Multi-Line, Number) and the Repeatable Set element.
Selection Elements
Conditional logic on selection elements allows you to only show a field if a user selection Is One Of the specified selections.
Input Elements
Conditional logic on user inputs is simple: an input can either have a value or not have a value.
Repeatable Set Nested Elements
Conditional logic can be used on Repeatable Set nested elements to show if the element does or does not have a value.
Multiple Conditional Logic Rules
After you have created a single conditional logic rule, additional rules can be added as well. When you add a second rule to the conditional logic of an element, the Match ALL and the Match ANY buttons will appear.
- Match ALL: The Match ALL button will ensure that all of the rules are met before the element will display.
- Match ANY: The Match ANY button will display the element if any of the rules are met.
Conditional Logic on Numbers and Calculations
Conditional logic can also be placed on number and calculation elements. This will allow you to conditionally show an element based on the value of another element.
The conditions you can place against number and calculation elements include:
- Equal To
- Not Equal To
- Greater Than
- Greater Than or Equal To
- Less Than
- Less Than or Equal To
- Between (inclusive)
You are able to add as many conditional logic rules as desired, but they will follow these same logical rules.
Conditional Logic on Sub-Form Elements
You can also conditionally show elements on the main form based on the elements within a selected sub-form. In the example below, the "Name of City Park" field will only display if a user selects "Yes" on the element that asks "Will the fireworks take place at a city park?" from the embedded Fireworks Application form.
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