This article will show you how to create a form as well as how to delete an existing form.
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Create a Form
- Sign in to your site
- Navigate to Forms
- Click the + Create button in the lower right corner
- Enter a Form Name and choose if the form is Private or Public
- Private: Only authenticated users can view and submit the Form.
- Public: Anyone can view and submit the Form without needing to log in.
- Click Save
Use the Form Builder
The Builder tab is where you will create the fields (also known as elements) for your form. You can add elements manually, use an existing form template, or convert a PDF to a form.
- Navigate to the Builder tab
- Select Add New Element to add new elements to your form
- You can also choose to use a form template or upload a PDF form
- Create From Template: Choose a form template from our library to get a head start on creating your form.
- Create From PDF Form: Upload a PDF form to convert it to an online form. Please note that results aren't guaranteed as this feature is in beta. Review the output and make any necessary modifications.
- You can also choose to use a form template or upload a PDF form
- Select the Element Type Note: Selections will appear in blue. We recommend making Heading and Information the first two elements of your form. That way, your form includes an appropriate title and any necessary information or instructions your users need to complete the form. View more information about the available Form Element Types.
- Fill in the element's detail fieldsNote: View information about Form Element Best Practices.
- Label: This is what will be displayed for the form users
- Size: The size of the Heading text
- Show Conditionally: This option is used when you want the element to only be shown under a certain condition. Learn more about Conditional Logic.
- Name: This is what the element will be named when submitting data. This will not be visible to users.
- CSS Classes: If desired, add CSS classes to the element
- Meta Data: Enter JSON above to add custom configuration to this element for your developers to consume.
- Add additional elements as desired, for user input fields you will have additional options:
- Label: This is what will be displayed to the form users
- Placeholder: Enter placeholder text that will display in the form's field before being edited by the user
- Default Value: Add default data that will populate in the field unless changed by the user before submitting
- Required: Make a field required for submission
- Read Only: Set a field to "read-only" (not requiring user input)
- Display a Hint: Add a hint to allow the label to have more instructions. You can choose to have the hint displayed as a tooltip or below the element label.
Show Conditionally: Choose to only show the field if specific conditions are met
Note: Conditions can only be linked to Autocomplete, Number, Calculation, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, and Select elements.
- Name: This is what the element will be named when submitting data
- Regular Expression Pattern Validation: You can add specific Regex validation patterns to the element and choose a flag from the drop-down
- CSS Classes: Add CSS classes to the element
- Autocomplete Attributes: Add HTML autocomplete attributes to allow the user to take advantage of autofill and assistive technologies for this element. View common autocomplete element attributes.
- Hide Element: Hidden elements exist on the page, but are not visible to the user. This means they are included in conditional logic and dependency evaluation, as well as in the submission data.
- Enable Data Lookup: Enable Data Lookup
- Enable Element Lookup: Enable Element Lookup
- Meta Data: Enter JSON above to add custom configuration to this element for your developers to consume.
- If needed, click the two lines on an element to reorder the elements
- If needed, you can add pages to the form to help streamline and organize the flow of the form
- Select Preview to view your form in mobile view
- Click Save
- Select Launch to view the form in an associated app
- Follow the instructions below to add a Workflow to the form
Add a Workflow to the Form
Workflows allow you to configure processes such as who will be notified of a submission, if approval is required, or if the user will be able to submit a payment when completing the form.
- Navigate to the Workflow tab and click Add Submission Event
- Fill out the Submission Event fieldsNote: Fields will differ depending on the Event Type chosen. Several fields allow submission data injection. Select the question mark next to the field for example values.
- Event Type (Required): Select the applicable event type. We recommend adding an Email + PDF or Email type to receive an email notification when a user has submitted the form.
- Label: Add an optional label to the submission event
- Email Subject Line: Enter the desired subject line of the email
- Run Conditionally: Set conditional parameters for the submission event
Email Configuration
- Exclude Attachments: This allows you to remove attachments from the email that may not be relevant to this recipient
- Use email template: Toggle on to select an existing email template from the drop-down menu
- Include custom attachments: Add a custom URL or Hosted API to the submission event
PDF Configuration
- Exclude Elements: This allows you to remove elements from the PDF that may not be relevant to this recipient
- PDF File Name: Enter the desired name for the PDF attachment
- Display submission ID in PDF: Turning this on will ensure the submission ID is added as a footer to each page of the PDF
- Display external ID in PDF: Include the External Id/Receipt Id in the footer of the PDF
- Include payment details: Toggle on to add a page break after the form content and include the payment receipt information
- Include calendar booking details in PDF: If you have added a calendar booking event to the form, you can toggle on the option to include the information in the PDF
- Page break on form pages: Turning this on will create a page break in the PDF that reflects the page breaks in the form itself
- PDF Page Size: Select A4 or US Letter as the PDF size
Email Configuration
- Add additional workflows/submission events as needed
- Select Save
- Now that your form is created you can share it with users! Learn how to add the form to an app or embed the form on your webpage.
Configure the Form Settings
The Settings tab is where you will edit the settings, access, and other configurations for the form.
- Navigate to the Settings tab
- To edit the form name, click on the name and edit as needed
- Fill out the Settings fields
- Description: Type a brief description of the form and what it contains
- Associated Apps: Select the apps the form will appear in
- Set the form Authentication and Access Period
Authentication: Choose if the form is Public or Private
- Private: Only authenticated users are able to view and submit the form
- Public: Anyone can view and submit the form without needing to log in
Access Period: If desired, enter the dates this form will become available and unavailable. If you do not enter a Start/End Date, the form is always available.
- You can also configure a message that will appear whenever anyone tries to access the form URL outside of your published dates.
- You can also configure a message that will appear whenever anyone tries to access the form URL outside of your published dates.
Authentication: Choose if the form is Public or Private
- If needed, configure the Navigation where you would like users to go after canceling or submitting a form
- My App: The user will be returned to the Forms list in your app
- Back: The user will be sent to the previous page
- Close Page: The form page will close
- Redirect to URL: Specify a URL to direct the user to
- Configure the Success Message that will display to users after a successful submission
- Display a button to download the submission PDF: This toggle adds a Download PDF button to the submission message, allowing users to immediately download a copy of the PDF after completing the form. The PDF customizations are the same as any workflow event, allowing you to exclude specific elements, rename the PDF, and add the submission ID or page breaks.
- Customize the display after submission: This option allows you to customize the content of the submission message, allowing you to include additional context or links to other import URLs.
- (Optional) Conditionally enable the Submit Button to prevent users from submitting the form until specific conditions are met
- (Optional) Tags can be used to filter and sort your forms in the forms list. For example, these can be used to distinguish between internal and external forms.
- (Optional) Add a Submission Title. The title will replace the form name as the title for any associated approvals and the default name for saved drafts.
- (Optional) Edit the URL Suffix to replace the form identification number in the URL with unique textNote: The suffix must be unique across all forms in the environment. It can only contain numbers, lowercase letters, and dashes. If you add a suffix to a form and then change it, the original suffix will no longer work.
- Select Save
Configure Developer Tools
- Navigate to the Developer Tools tab
- (Optional) Use the Personalization section to configure an endpoint that can be used to personalize form content prior to form load
- (Optional) Configure a Validation endpoint for the form to validate against. The endpoint will be called prior to submission and any submission events.
- (Optional) Use Receipt Generation to configure a custom receipt identifier for your form that can be used to search for submissions or configure an endpoint that can be used to personalize form content prior to form load.
- (Optional) Assign Developer Keys to your form
- (Optional) Toggle on Autosave to automatically resume the form if autosave data is presentNote: When toggled on, the pop-up asking the user if they would like to start again or continue with the autosave will be skipped, ensuring that the user always continues with their autosave data.
- (Optional) Add CSS Classes that will apply to the formNote: The CSS properties that are applied here will apply to the form in the forms list menu item, and directly to the form itself.
- Click Save
View the Form Summary
- Navigate to the Summary tab
- View the form Information
- Form ID: The specific identifier of the form
- Created: The date and time the form was created
- Form Links: You can embed your form, share the form using a QR Code, copy the link, or open the form in a new tab
- View Schema: Click to view the Form Submission schema
- View and manage the form Versioning
Delete a Form
Important Note
- Deleting a form will also remove the form's submission history from your site. If you would like to keep the data, we recommend exporting the submission history first before deleting the form.
- Sign in to your site
- Navigate to Forms
- Select the three-dot action menu next to the form you wish to remove
- Click Delete
- Select Delete on the pop-up that says Are you sure you want to delete [form name]?
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